Saint Spyridon Church, Upland, CA has a new website

Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church, Upland, CA has updated its website.  The URL of the website has not changed, it is still  The content is now hosted by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.  Parishes of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese are offered free hosting. The Archdiocese uses the Evolution CMS (Content Management System).  For more information, see Support for Websites Running Evolution CMS. 

Common info (such as holidays, Scripture readings, dogma, Church information) are provided directly by the Archdiocese and relieves the individual parishes of having to provide it.

Google Calendar is used to schedule Church services and events.  Google Maps is used to provide directions to the Church. 

New features:

  • Our Faith/Orthodox Calendar
    • Daily/Monthly Calendar in Greek and English
    • Scripture readings for every day of the year in Greek and English
    • Prepare for Sunday Liturgy by clicking on Sunday's Scripture reading.
    • When is Easter next year?
  • Our Faith/Liturgical Texts
    • Divine Liturgy in Greek and English
    • Matins
    • Vespers
    • Sacraments
    • Memorials/Funerals
    • Occasional Services
  • Our Faith/Valuable Links
    • Patriarchate of Constantinople
    • Archdiocese
    • Metropolis of San Francisco
    • Church of Greece
    • Writings of the Holy Fathers
    • Liturgical Texts
    • Sermon Series by the Department of the Religious Education Greek Orthodox
    • Religious Education
    • Graphics Repository
    • Archdiocese Support
    • Digital Chant Stand (DCS)
    • Church Radio Stations in Greece
  • Our Community/Patron Saint
    • Life of Saint Spyridon from the GOA (Greek Orthodox Archdiocese)
    • Life of Saint Spyridon from the OCA (Orthodox Church of America)
    • The service of Saint Spyridon from the Menaion (Greek Only, for English, see Digital Chant Stand)
    • The Paraklesis of Saint Spyridon (text and music)
  • Our Community/Clergy and Staff
    • Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Elpidophoros, Metropolitan Gerasimos
    • Added Father Justinian Deac
  • Our Community/Parish History
    • Copied from old website.
    • Added Father Konstantinos Douvikas
    • Added assignment of Father Justinian Deac
  • Our Community/Directions

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